I am working on a few interesting projects right now. I've been going between them regularly since I can't seem to stay on one project. The first is the Fullerton Cardigan, published in the Spring 2018, Knitscene Magazine. I've gotten to the back of this bottom up, dropped sleeve, seamless cardigan. It's a very interesting construction since you are working the bottom of the cardigan in one piece, then splitting off stitches for the right, back and left sides. I'm working on the back section right now. A lot of stockinette stitch, which is fine since I'm not up for much more than that right now. I chose Vanna's Choice from Lionbrand Yarn in Taupe for this sweater. I had it in my stash and wanted to use it. Fullerton Cardigan The other is the Tranquil Tank Top, published by Lionbrand Yarn on their website. I originally found this pattern when they were having a KAL for it. I didn't get it started then, but had it in my Ravelry projects page and ...
The ramblings of a knitter who loves figure skating and will forever be figuring out knitting.